
for impact


for Impact

Elevate, scale and amplify your business with the power of Deep Tech.

Who we are

We are a pioneering Deep Tech consultancy specializing in leveraging cutting-edge technologies to drive innovation, transform businesses and create a better future for all.

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Some of the industries and clients we've had the honor of working with.





Deep Tech Pioneer

Deep Tech and the Amplified Organisation is an indispensable guide for leaders who are seeking to rise to the challenge of creating a transformation that matters.

*Coming soon: portuguese version

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Capa de um livro

Dave Gray

Founder of XPLANE and author of The Connected Company, Gamestorming and Liminal Thinking.

''A powerful blueprint for developing a 21st-century purposeful organisation. CEOs, designers and technologists alike will all take inspiration from this transdiscuplinary approach to Deep Tech.''

Ricardo Carvalho

CEO of CBA - Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio.

''In a context of continuous change, the connection between platforms, purpose, people and our planet represents a promising path for the challenges of Industry 4.0.''

Kimberly Faith

Futurist and Systems Thinking Expert.

''In your hand is an essential playbook for the future.''

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